Practical ML Dive - How to customize a Vision Transformer on your own data
Welcome to Practical ML Dives, a series spin off of Arxiv Dives.
In Arxiv Dives, we cover state of the
Arxiv Dives - Zero-shot Image Classification with CLIP
CLIP explores the efficacy of learning image representations from scratch with 400 million image-text pairs, showcasing zero-shot transfer capabilities across
Arxiv Dives - Vision Transformers (ViT)
With all of the hype around Transformers for natural language processing and text, the authors of this paper beg the
Arxiv Dives - A Mathematical Framework for Transformer Circuits - Part 2
Every Friday at we host a paper club called "Arxiv Dives" to make us smarter Oxen
Arxiv Dives - A Mathematical Framework for Transformer Circuits - Part 1
Every Friday at we host a paper club called "Arxiv Dives" to make us smarter Oxen
Arxiv Dive Manifesto
Every Friday the team at gets together and goes over research papers, blog posts, or books that help
Arxiv Dives - Attention Is All You Need
Every Friday at we host a paper club called "Arxiv Dives" to make us smarter Oxen
Arxiv Dives - How LoRA fine-tuning works
Every Friday at we host a paper club called "Arxiv Dives" to make us smarter Oxen
Arxiv Dives - Generating Speech from Text with Fast Speech-2
Every Friday at we host a public paper club called "Arxiv Dives" to make us smarter
Arxiv Dives - Llama-2 Explained
Every Friday at we host a public paper club called "Arxiv Dives" to make us smarter